Constance Schéré is a marine conservationist and former environmental sustainability professional from Ploumanac'h, a small coastal village in Brittany, France. She has been studying the marine environment for a decade and is an advocate for stronger environmental protection of our oceans. Constance was educated in France, the United Kingdom, and the United States and currently works as a marine ornithological consultant for GoBe Consultants, part of the APEM Group. In addition to her conservation work, Constance is an educator (primary through postgraduate) in natural and social sciences. She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
4SSG1008 Geography Tutorials: Critical Thinking and Techniques (Convenors: Daniel Schillereff & Christine Barnes)
5SSG2061 Geographical Research Skills (Convenors: Alexander Loftus & George Adamson)
6SSG3083 Policy and Application of Geography Research (Convenors: Kate Schreckenberg & Maud Borie)
5SSG2024 Biogeography and Ecology (Convenor: Terry Dawson)
7SSG5178 Tourism, Conservation and the Environment (Convenor: Terry Dawson)
7SSG5108 Tourism and Development (Convenor: Hanno Brankamp)
4SSG1012 The Changing Natural Environment 1 (Convenor: Bruce Malamud)
4SSG1011 Principles of Geographical Inquiry (Convenor: Phil Hubbard)
4SSG1016 Geography in Action (Convenor: Zahratu Shabrina)
King's College London
PhD Marine Conservation Biology
Doctoral Thesis: The role of ecosystem management in achieving the conservation objectives of Irish Sea marine protected areas.
King's College London
Tufts University
EM 220C Sustainability (Convenor: Rich Goode)
Université de Paris I: Panthéon-Sorbonne
MSc Biodiversity, Territory, Environment (BIOTERRE) - Distinction
Master's Thesis: Assessing the effectiveness of marine protected areas in the Irish Sea through public perceptions.
Sciences Po Paris
MSc Environmental Policy - Merit
Master's Thesis: Clean Water Action Internship Report.
University of Massachusetts - Lowell
BA History - 1st
Undergraduate Dissertation: Consulate General of France in Boston Internship Report.
British Ecological Society
Society for Conservation Biology
Marine Biological Association
Irish Ecological Association
Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association
Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (Marine and Coastal SIG Member)